Source code for rankeval.model.rt_ensemble

# Copyright (c) 2017, All Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file)
# Authors: Salvatore Trani <>
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Class for efficient modelling of an ensemble-based model of binary regression

import copy

import numpy as np

from ..scoring.scorer import Scorer

[docs]class RTEnsemble(object): """ Class for efficient modelling of an ensemble-based model composed of binary regression trees. Notes ---------- This class only provides the sketch of the data structure to use for storing the model. The responsibility to correctly fill these data structures is delegated to the various proxies model. """ def __init__(self, file_path, name=None, format="QuickRank", base_score=None, learning_rate=1, n_trees=None): """ Load the model from the file identified by file_path using the given format. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The fpath to the filename where the model has been saved name : str The name to be given to the current model format : ['QuickRank', 'ScikitLearn', 'XGBoost', 'LightGBM'] The format of the model to load. base_score : None or float The initial prediction score of all instances, global bias. If None, it uses default value used by each software (0.5 XGBoost, 0.0 all the others). learning_rate : None or float The learning rate used by the model to shrinks the contribution of each tree. By default it is set to 1 (no shrinking at all). n_trees : None or int The maximum number of trees to load from the model. By default it is set to None, meaning the method will load all the trees. Attributes ---------- file : str The path to the filename where the model has been saved name : str The name to be given to the current model n_trees : integer The number of regression trees in the ensemble. n_nodes : integer The total number of nodes (splitting nodes and leaves) in the ensemble trees_root: list of integers Numpy array modelling the indexes of the root nodes of the regression trees composing the ensemble. The indexes refer to the following data structures: * trees_left_child * trees_right_child * trees_nodes_value * trees_nodes_feature trees_weight: list of floats Numpy array modelling the weights of the regression trees composing the ensemble. trees_left_child: list of integers Numpy array modelling the structure (shape) of the regression trees, considering only the left children. Given a node of a regression tree (a single cell in this array), the value identify the index of the left children. If the node is a leaf, the children assumes -1 value. trees_right_child: list of integers Numpy array modelling the structure (shape) of the regression trees, considering only the right children. Given a node of a regression tree (a single cell in this array), the value identify the index of the right children. If the node is a leaf, the children assumes -1 value. trees_nodes_value: list of integers Numpy array modelling either the output of a leaf node (whether the node is a leaf, in accordance with the trees_structure data structure) or the splitting value of the node in the regression trees (with respect to the feature identified by the trees_nodes_feature data structure). trees_nodes_feature: list of integers Numpy array modelling the feature-id used by the selected splitting node (or -1 if the node is a leaf). Returns ------- model : RegressionTreeEnsemble The loaded model as a RTEnsemble object """ self.file = file_path = "RTEnsemble: " + file_path if name is not None: = name self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.base_score = base_score if self.base_score is None and format == "XGBoost": self.base_score = 0.5 self.n_trees = None self.n_nodes = None self.trees_root = None self.trees_weight = None self.trees_left_child = None self.trees_right_child = None self.trees_nodes_value = None self.trees_nodes_feature = None self._cache_scorer = dict() if format == "QuickRank": from rankeval.model import ProxyQuickRank ProxyQuickRank.load(file_path, self) elif format == "LightGBM": from rankeval.model import ProxyLightGBM ProxyLightGBM.load(file_path, self) elif format == "XGBoost": from rankeval.model import ProxyXGBoost ProxyXGBoost.load(file_path, self) elif format == "ScikitLearn": from rankeval.model import ProxyScikitLearn ProxyScikitLearn.load(file_path, self) else: raise TypeError("Model format %s not yet supported!" % format) if n_trees is not None and n_trees < self.n_trees: self._prune_model(n_trees)
[docs] def initialize(self, n_trees, n_nodes): """ Initialize the internal data structures in order to reflect the given shape and size of the ensemble. This method should be called only by the Proxy Models (the specific format-based loader/saver) Parameters ---------- n_trees : integer The number of regression trees in the ensemble. n_nodes : integer The total number of nodes (splitting nodes and leaves) in the ensemble """ self.n_trees = n_trees self.n_nodes = n_nodes self.trees_root = np.full(shape=n_trees, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) self.trees_weight = \ np.zeros(shape=n_trees, dtype=np.float32) self.trees_left_child = \ np.full(shape=n_nodes, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) self.trees_right_child = \ np.full(shape=n_nodes, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) self.trees_nodes_value = \ np.full(shape=n_nodes, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.float32) self.trees_nodes_feature = \ np.full(shape=n_nodes, fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int16)
[docs] def is_leaf_node(self, index): """ This method returns true if the node identified by the given index is a leaf node, false otherwise Parameters ---------- index : integer The index of the node to test """ return self.trees_left_child[index] == -1 and \ self.trees_right_child[index] == -1
[docs] def save(self, f, format="QuickRank"): """ Save the model onto the file identified by file_path, using the given model format. Parameters ---------- f : str The path to the filename where the model has to be saved format : str The format to use for saving the model Returns ------- status : bool Returns true if the save is successful, false otherwise """ if format == "QuickRank": from rankeval.model import ProxyQuickRank, self) elif format == "LightGBM": from rankeval.model import ProxyLightGBM, self) elif format == "XGBoost": from rankeval.model import ProxyXGBoost, self) elif format == "ScikitLearn": from rankeval.model import ProxyScikitLearn, self) else: raise TypeError("Model format %s not yet supported!" % format)
[docs] def score(self, dataset, detailed=False): """ Score the given model on the given dataset. Depending on the detailed parameter, the scoring will be either basic (i.e., compute only the document scores) or detailed (i.e., besides computing the document scores analyze also several characteristics of the model. The scorer is cached until existance of the model instance. Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset The dataset to be scored detailed : bool True if the model has to be scored in a detailed fashion, false otherwise Returns ------- y_pred : numpy 1d array (n_instances) The predictions made by scoring the model on the given dataset partial_y_pred : numpy 2d array (n_instances x n_trees) The predictions made by scoring the model on the given dataset, on a tree basis (i.e., tree by tree and instance by instance) """ # check that the features used by the model are "compatible" with the # features in the dataset (at least, in terms of their number) if np.max(self.trees_nodes_feature) + 1 > dataset.X.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError("Dataset features are not compatible with " "model features") if dataset not in self._cache_scorer or \ detailed and self._cache_scorer[dataset].partial_y_pred is None: scorer = Scorer(self, dataset) self._cache_scorer[dataset] = scorer # The scoring is performed only if it has not been done before... scorer.score(detailed) if self.learning_rate != 1: scorer.y_pred *= self.learning_rate if detailed: scorer.partial_y_pred *= self.learning_rate if self.base_score: scorer.y_pred += self.base_score if detailed: scorer.partial_y_pred[:, :1] += self.base_score scorer = self._cache_scorer[dataset] if detailed: return scorer.y_pred, scorer.partial_y_pred else: return scorer.y_pred
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ This method is used to clear the internal cache of the model from the scoring objects. Call this method at the end of the analysis of the current model (the memory otherwise will be automatically be freed on object deletion) """ self._cache_scorer.clear()
[docs] def copy(self, n_trees=None): """ Create a copy of this model, with all the trees up to the given number. By default n_trees is set to None, meaning to copy all the trees Parameters ---------- n_trees : None or int The number of trees the model will have after calling this method. Returns ------- model : RTEnsemble The copied model, pruned from all the trees exceeding the given number of trees chosen """ new_model = copy.deepcopy(self) if n_trees is not None: new_model._prune_model(n_trees=n_trees) return new_model
def _prune_model(self, n_trees): """ This method prunes the ensemble of trees up to the given number of trees in order to reduce the size of the model. Useful for creating smaller models starting from a bigger model. Parameters ---------- n_trees : int The number of trees the model will have after calling this method. """ # skip the pruning if the model already contains less or equals trees # than expected if n_trees >= self.n_trees: return start_idx_prune = self.trees_root[n_trees] self.trees_root = self.trees_root[:n_trees] self.trees_weight = self.trees_weight[:n_trees] self.trees_nodes_feature = self.trees_nodes_feature[:start_idx_prune] self.trees_nodes_value = self.trees_nodes_value[:start_idx_prune] self.trees_right_child = self.trees_right_child[:start_idx_prune] self.trees_left_child = self.trees_left_child[:start_idx_prune] self.n_trees = n_trees self.n_nodes = start_idx_prune # Reset cache scorer self._cache_scorer = dict() def __str__(self): return