Source code for rankeval.model.proxy_QuickRank

# Copyright (c) 2017, All Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file)
# Authors: Salvatore Trani <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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Class providing the implementation for loading/storing a QuickRank model
from/to file.

The QuickRank project is described here:

The QuickRank format adopts an XML representation. There is an header section,
identified by the "info" tag, with the most important parameters adopted to
learn such a model. It follows then the description of the ensemble, with a node
for each tree, identified by the "tree" tag, followed by the description of the
tree (with splitting and leaf nodes). The splitting nodes are described with two
information: the feature id used for splitting, and the threshold value. Leaf
nodes on the other hand are described by an "output" tag with the value as

from rt_ensemble import RTEnsemble

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

[docs]class ProxyQuickRank(object): """ Class providing the implementation for loading/storing a QuickRank model from/to file. """
[docs] @staticmethod def load(file_path, model): """ Load the model from the file identified by file_path. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the filename where the model has been saved model : RTEnsemble The model instance to fill """ n_trees, n_nodes = ProxyQuickRank._count_nodes(file_path) # Initialize the model and allocate the needed space # given the shape and size of the ensemble model.initialize(n_trees, n_nodes) # get an iterable context = etree.iterparse(file_path, events=("start", "end")) # get the root element _, root = next(context) curr_tree = curr_node = -1 split_stack = [] for event, elem in context: if event == 'start': if elem.tag == 'tree': curr_tree += 1 # increase the current number index curr_node += 1 # increase the current node index # save the curr node as the root of a new tree model.trees_root[curr_tree] = curr_node model.trees_weight[curr_tree] = elem.attrib['weight'] elif elem.tag == 'split': if 'pos' in elem.attrib: parent_node = split_stack[-1] curr_node += 1 if elem.attrib['pos'] == 'left': model.trees_left_child[parent_node] = curr_node else: model.trees_right_child[parent_node] = curr_node split_stack.append(curr_node) else: # event = 'end' if elem.tag == 'split': split_stack.pop() elif elem.tag == 'feature': model.trees_nodes_feature[curr_node] = \ int(elem.text.strip()) - 1 elif elem.tag == 'threshold' or elem.tag == 'output': model.trees_nodes_value[curr_node] = elem.text.strip() # clear the memory if event == 'end': elem.clear() # discard the element root.clear() # remove child reference from the root
[docs] @staticmethod def save(file_path, model): """ Save the model onto the file identified by file_path. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the filename where the model has to be saved model : RTEnsemble The model RTEnsemble model to save on file Returns ------- status : bool Returns true if the save is successful, false otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError("Feature not implemented!")
@staticmethod def _count_nodes(file_path): """ Count the total number of nodes (both split and leaf nodes) in the model identified by file_path. Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path to the filename where the model has been saved Returns ------- tuple(n_trees, n_nodes) : tuple(int, int) The total number of trees and nodes (both split and leaf nodes) in the model identified by file_path. """ # get an iterable context = etree.iterparse(file_path, events=("end",)) # get the root element _, root = next(context) n_nodes = 0 n_trees = 0 for _, elem in context: if elem.tag == 'tree': n_trees += 1 elif elem.tag == 'feature' or elem.tag == 'output': n_nodes += 1 elem.clear() # discard the element root.clear() # remove root reference to the child return n_trees, n_nodes