Source code for rankeval.metrics.ndcg

# Copyright (c) 2017, All Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file)
# Authors: Cristina Muntean <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np

from rankeval.metrics.dcg import DCG
from rankeval.metrics.metric import Metric

[docs]class NDCG(Metric): """ This class implements NDCG with several parameters. """ def __init__(self, name='NDCG', cutoff=None, no_relevant_results=1.0, implementation="exp"): """ This is the constructor of NDCG, an object of type Metric, with the name NDCG. The constructor also allows setting custom values - cutoff: the top k results to be considered at per query level - no_relevant_results: is a float values indicating how to treat the cases where then are no relevant results - ties: indicates how we should consider the ties - implementation: indicates whether to consider the flat or the exponential NDCG formula Parameters ---------- name: string NDCG cutoff: int The top k results to be considered at per query level (e.g. 10) no_relevant_results: float Float indicating how to treat the cases where then are no relevant results (e.g. 0.5). Default is 1.0. implementation: string Indicates whether to consider the flat or the exponential DCG formula: "flat" or "exp" (default). """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(name) self.cutoff = cutoff self.no_relevant_results = no_relevant_results self.implementation = implementation self.dcg = DCG(cutoff=self.cutoff, implementation=self.implementation) self._current_dataset = None self._current_qid = None self._cache_idcg_score = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
[docs] def eval(self, dataset, y_pred): """ The method computes NDCG by taking as input the dataset and the predicted document scores (obtained with the scoring methods). It returns the averaged NDCG score over the entire dataset and the detailed NDCG scores per query. Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset Represents the Dataset object on which to apply NDCG. y_pred : numpy 1d array of float Represents the predicted document scores for each instance in the dataset. Returns ------- avg_score: float Represents the average NDCG over all NDCG scores per query. detailed_scores: numpy array of floats Represents the detailed NDCG scores for each query. It has the length of n_queries. """ # used to cache ideal DCG scores on a dataset basis self._current_dataset = dataset self._current_qid = 0 # Compute the ideal DCG scores only once and cache them if self._current_dataset not in self._cache_idcg_score: idcg_score = np.ndarray(shape=dataset.n_queries, dtype=np.float32) for qid, q_y, q_y_pred in self.query_iterator(dataset, dataset.y): idcg_score[qid] = self.dcg.eval_per_query(q_y, q_y_pred) self._cache_idcg_score[self._current_dataset] = idcg_score return super(self.__class__, self).eval(dataset, y_pred)
[docs] def eval_per_query(self, y, y_pred): """ This method helps compute the NDCG score per query. It is called by the eval function which averages and aggregates the scores for each query. It calculates NDCG per query as <dcg_score/idcg_score>. If there are no relevant results, NDCG returns the values set by default or by the user when creating the metric. Parameters ---------- y: numpy array Represents the labels of instances corresponding to one query in the dataset (ground truth). y_pred: numpy array. Represents the predicted document scores obtained during the model scoring phase for that query. Returns ------- dcg: float Represents the DCG score for one query. """ dcg_score = self.dcg.eval_per_query(y, y_pred) if self._current_qid is not None: idcg_score = \ self._cache_idcg_score[self._current_dataset][self._current_qid] self._current_qid += 1 else: idcg_score = self.dcg.eval_per_query(y, y) if idcg_score != 0: ndcg = dcg_score / idcg_score else: ndcg = self.no_relevant_results return ndcg
def __str__(self): s = if self.cutoff is not None: s += "@{}".format(self.cutoff) return s