Source code for rankeval.metrics.metric

# Copyright (c) 2017, All Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file)
# Authors: Cristina Muntean <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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import numpy as np
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import six

[docs]class Metric(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """ Metric is an abstract class which provides an interface for specific metrics. It also offers 2 methods, one for iterating over the indeces for a certain query and another for iterating over the entire dataset based on those indices. Some intuitions: """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, name): """ The constructor for any metric; it initializes that metric with the proper name. Parameters ---------- name : string Represents the name of that metric instance. """ = name self.detailed_scores = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval(self, dataset, y_pred): """ This abstract method computes a specific metric over the predicted scores for a test dataset. It calls the eval_per query method for each query in order to get the detailed metric score. Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset Represents the Dataset object on which we want to apply the metric. y_pred : numpy 1d array of float Represents the predicted document scores for each instance in the dataset. Returns ------- avg_score: float Represents the average values of a metric over all metric scores per query. detailed_scores: numpy 1d array of floats Represents the detailed metric scores for each query. It has the length of n_queries. """ self.detailed_scores = np.zeros(dataset.n_queries, dtype=np.float32) for qid, q_y, q_y_pred in self.query_iterator(dataset, y_pred): self.detailed_scores[qid] = self.eval_per_query(q_y, q_y_pred) return self.detailed_scores.mean(), self.detailed_scores
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_per_query(self, y, y_pred): """ This methods helps to evaluate the predicted scores for a specific query within the dataset. Parameters ---------- y: numpy array Represents the instance labels corresponding to the queries in the dataset (ground truth). y_pred: numpy array. Represents the predicted document scores obtained during the model scoring phase for that query. Returns ------- dcg: float Represents the metric score for one query. """
[docs] def query_iterator(self, dataset, y_pred): """ This method iterates over dataset document scores and predicted scores in blocks of instances which belong to the same query. Parameters ---------- dataset : Datatset y_pred : numpy array Returns ------- : int The query id. : numpy.array The document scores of the instances in the labeled dataset (instance labels) belonging to the same query id. : numpy.array The predicted scores for the instances in the dataset belonging to the same query id. """ for query_id, (start_offset, end_offset) in \ enumerate(dataset.query_offset_iterator()): yield (query_id, dataset.y[start_offset:end_offset], y_pred[start_offset:end_offset])