# Copyright (c) 2017, All Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file)
# Authors: Cristina Muntean <cristina.muntean@isti.cnr.it>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import numpy as np
from rankeval.metrics.metric import Metric
[docs]class MAP(Metric):
This class implements MAP with several parameters. We implemented MAP as in
https://www.kaggle.com/wiki/MeanAveragePrecision, adapted from:
def __init__(self, name='MAP', cutoff=None):
This is the constructor of MAP, an object of type Metric, with
the name MAP. The constructor also allows setting custom values in the
following parameters.
name: string
cutoff: int
The top k results to be considered at per query level (e.g. 10),
otherwise the default value is None and is computed on all the
instances of a query.
super(MAP, self).__init__(name)
self.cutoff = cutoff
[docs] def eval(self, dataset, y_pred):
This method takes the AP@k for each query and calculates the average,
thus MAP@k.
dataset : Dataset
Represents the Dataset object on which to apply MAP.
y_pred : numpy 1d array of float
Represents the predicted document scores for each instance in
the dataset.
avg_score: float
The overall MAP@k score (averages over the detailed MAP scores).
detailed_scores: numpy 1d array of floats
The detailed AP@k scores for each query, an array of length of
the number of queries.
return super(MAP, self).eval(dataset, y_pred)
[docs] def eval_per_query(self, y, y_pred):
This methods computes AP@k at per query level (on the instances
belonging to a specific query). The AP@k per query is calculated as
ap@k = sum( P(k) / min(m,n) ), for k=1,n
- P(k) means the precision at cut-off k in the item list. P(k)
equals 0 when the k-th item is not followed upon recommendation
- m is the number of relevant documents
- n is the number of predicted documents
If the denominator is zero, P(k)/min(m,n) is set to zero.
y: numpy array
Represents the labels of instances corresponding to one query in
the dataset (ground truth).
y_pred: numpy array.
Represents the predicted document scores obtained during the model
scoring phase for that query.
map : float
The MAP per query.
idx_y_pred_sorted = np.argsort(y_pred)[::-1]
if self.cutoff is not None:
idx_y_pred_sorted = idx_y_pred_sorted[:self.cutoff]
n_retrieved = len(idx_y_pred_sorted)
precision_at_i = 0.
n_relevant_retrieved_at_i = 0.
for i in range(n_retrieved):
if y[idx_y_pred_sorted[i]] != 0:
n_relevant_retrieved_at_i += 1
precision_at_i += float(n_relevant_retrieved_at_i) / (i + 1)
return precision_at_i / n_retrieved
def __str__(self):
s = self.name
if self.cutoff is not None:
s += "@{}".format(self.cutoff)
return s