Source code for rankeval.analysis.effectiveness
# Copyright (c) 2017, All Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file)
# Authors: Salvatore Trani <>
# Franco Maria Nardini <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
This package implements several effectiveness analysis focused on assessing
the performance of the models in terms of accuracy. These functionalities can
be applied to several models at the same time, so to have a direct comparison
of the analysis performed.
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from ..dataset import Dataset
from ..model import RTEnsemble
from ..metrics import Metric
[docs]def model_performance(datasets, models, metrics):
This method implements the model performance analysis (part of the
effectiveness analysis category).
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given metrics and models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
metrics : list of Metric
The metrics to use for the analysis
metric_scores : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray containing the metric scores of the models using
the given metrics on the given datasets.
data = np.zeros(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(metrics)),
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=False)
for idx_metric, metric in enumerate(metrics):
data[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_metric] = metric.eval(dataset,
performance = xr.DataArray(data,
name='Model Performance',
coords=[datasets, models, metrics],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'metric'])
return performance
[docs]def tree_wise_performance(datasets, models, metrics, step=10):
This method implements the analysis of the model on a tree-wise basis
(part of the effectiveness analysis category).
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given metrics and models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
metrics : list of Metric
The metrics to use for the analysis
step : int
Step-size identifying evenly spaced number of trees for evaluating
the top=k model performance.
(e.g., step=100 means the method will evaluate the model performance
at 100, 200, 300, etc trees).
metric_scores : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray containing the metric scores of each model using the given
metrics on the given datasets.
The metric scores are cumulatively reported tree by tree, i.e., top 10
trees, top 20, etc., with a step-size between the number of trees
as highlighted by the step parameter.
def get_tree_steps(model_trees):
trees = range(step-1, model_trees, step)
# Add last tree to the steps
if trees[-1] != model_trees-1:
return np.array(trees)
max_num_trees = 0
for model in models:
if model.n_trees > max_num_trees:
max_num_trees = model.n_trees
tree_steps = get_tree_steps(max_num_trees)
data = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(tree_steps),
len(metrics)), fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred, partial_y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=True)
# the document scores are accumulated along for the various top-k
# (in order to avoid useless re-scoring)
y_pred = np.zeros(dataset.n_instances)
for idx_top_k, top_k in enumerate(get_tree_steps(model.n_trees)):
# compute the document scores using only top-k trees of
# the model on the given dataset
idx_tree_start = idx_top_k * step
idx_tree_stop = top_k + 1
y_pred += partial_y_pred[:, idx_tree_start:idx_tree_stop].sum(axis=1)
# compute the metric score using the predicted document scores
for idx_metric, metric in enumerate(metrics):
metric_score, _ = metric.eval(dataset, y_pred)
data[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_top_k][idx_metric] = metric_score
performance = xr.DataArray(data,
name='Tree-Wise Performance',
coords=[datasets, models, tree_steps+1, metrics],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'k', 'metric'])
return performance
[docs]def tree_wise_average_contribution(datasets, models):
This method provides the average contribution given by each tree of each
model to the scoring of the datasets.
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given metrics and models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
average_contribution : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray containing the average contribution given by each tree of
each model to the scoring of the given datasets. The average
contribution are reported tree by tree.
max_num_trees = 0
for model in models:
if model.n_trees > max_num_trees:
max_num_trees = model.n_trees
data = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), max_num_trees),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred, partial_y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=True)
# the document scores are accumulated along for the various top-k
# (in order to avoid useless re-scoring)
y_contributes = np.full(max_num_trees, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
y_contributes[:model.n_trees] = np.average(np.abs(partial_y_pred), axis=0)
data[idx_dataset][idx_model] = y_contributes
performance = xr.DataArray(data,
name='Tree-Wise Average Contribution',
coords=[datasets, models, np.arange(max_num_trees)],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'trees'])
return performance
[docs]def query_wise_performance(datasets, models, metrics, bins=None, start=None, end=None):
This method implements the analysis of the model on a query-wise basis,
i.e., it compute the cumulative distribution of a given performance metric.
For example, the fraction of queries with a NDCG score smaller that any
given threshold, over the set of queries described in the dataset.
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given metrics and models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
metrics : list of Metric
The metrics to use for the analysis
bins : int or None
Number of equi-spaced bins for which to computer the cumulative
distribution of the given metric. If bin is None, it will use
the maximum number of queries across all the datasets as bins value.
start : int or None
The start point of the range for which we will compute the cumulative
distribution of the given metric. If start is None, it will use
the minimum metric score as starting point for the range.
end : int or None
The end point of the range for which we will compute the cumulative
distribution of the given metric. If end is None, it will use
the maximum metric score as starting point for the range.
metric_scores : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray containing the metric scores of each model using the given
metrics on the given datasets. The metric scores are cumulatively
reported tree by tree, i.e., top 10 trees, top 20, etc., with a step-size
between the number of trees as highlighted by the step parameter.
glob_metric_scores = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(metrics)),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=object)
min_metric_score = max_metric_score = np.nan
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=False)
for idx_metric, metric in enumerate(metrics):
_, metric_scores = metric.eval(dataset, y_pred)
glob_metric_scores[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_metric] = metric_scores
min_metric_score = np.nanmin([min_metric_score, metric_scores.min()])
max_metric_score = np.nanmax([max_metric_score, metric_scores.max()])
if start is None:
start = min_metric_score
if end is None:
end = max_metric_score
if bins is None:
bins = np.max([dataset.n_queries for dataset in datasets])
bin_values = np.linspace(start=start, stop=end, num=bins+1)
data = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(metrics), bins),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
for idx_metric, metric in enumerate(metrics):
metric_scores = glob_metric_scores[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_metric]
# evaluate the histogram
values, base = np.histogram(metric_scores, bins=bin_values)
# evaluate the cumulative
cumulative = np.cumsum(values, dtype=float) / metric_scores.size
data[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_metric] = cumulative
performance = xr.DataArray(data,
name='Query-Wise Performance',
coords=[datasets, models, metrics,
bin_values[:-1] + 1.0 / bins],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'metric', 'bin'])
return performance
[docs]def query_class_performance(datasets, models, metrics, query_classes):
This method implements the analysis of the effectiveness of a given model
by providing a breakdown of the performance over query class. Whenever
a query classification is provided, e.g., navigational, informational,
transactional, number of terms composing the query, etc., it provides
the model effectiveness over such classes. This analysis is important
especially in a production environment, as it allows to calibrate the
ranking infrastructure w.r.t. a specific context.
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given metrics and models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
metrics : list of Metric
The metrics to use for the analysis
query_classes : list of lists
A list containing lists of classes each one for a specific Dataset.
The i-th item in the j-th list identifies the class of the i-th query
of the j-th Dataset.
query_class_performance : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray containing the per-class metric scores of each model using
the given metrics on the given datasets.
glob_metric_scores = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(metrics)),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=object)
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=False)
for idx_metric, metric in enumerate(metrics):
_, metric_scores = metric.eval(dataset, y_pred)
glob_metric_scores[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_metric] = metric_scores
# computing unique elements for each list of query class
unique_query_classes = [np.unique(query_class) for query_class in query_classes]
unique_classes = np.unique([c for d in unique_query_classes for c in d])
# defining destination array now saving values of the specific metric directly
query_class_metric_scores = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models),
len(metrics), len(unique_classes)),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
# computing the average metric over the specific categorization
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
for idx_metric, metric in enumerate(metrics):
for idx_query_class, query_class in enumerate(unique_classes):
indices = np.where(query_classes[idx_dataset] == query_class)
# If this query class is not present in this dataset, skip it
if not len(indices):
query_class_metric_scores[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_metric][idx_query_class] = \
performance = xr.DataArray(query_class_metric_scores,
name='Query Class Performance',
coords=[datasets, models, metrics, unique_classes],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'metric', 'classes'])
return performance
[docs]def document_graded_relevance(datasets, models, bins=100, start=None, end=None):
This method implements the analysis of the model on a per-label basis,
i.e., it allows the evaluation of the cumulative predicted score
distribution. For example, for each relevance label available in each
dataset, it provides the fraction of documents with a predicted score
smaller than a given score (the latter are binned among start and end).
By plotting this fractions it is possible to obtains a curve for each
relevance label. The bigger the distance amongst curves the larger the
model's discriminative power.
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
bins : int or None
Number of equi-spaced bins for which to computer the cumulative
distribution of the predicted scores. If bin is None, it will use
the maximum number of queries across all the datasets as bins value.
start : int or None
The start point of the range for which we will compute the cumulative
distribution of the predicted scores. If start is None, it will use
the minimum metric score as starting point for the range.
end : int or None
The end point of the range for which we will compute the cumulative
distribution of the predicted scores. If end is None, it will use
the maximum metric score as starting point for the range.
graded_relevance : xarray.DataArray
A DataArray containing the fraction of documents with a predicted score
smaller than a given score, for each model and each dataset.
glob_doc_scores = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models)),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=object)
min_doc_score = max_doc_score = np.nan
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=False)
glob_doc_scores[idx_dataset][idx_model] = y_pred
min_doc_score = np.nanmin([min_doc_score, y_pred.min()])
max_doc_score = np.nanmax([max_doc_score, y_pred.max()])
if start is None:
start = min_doc_score
if end is None:
end = max_doc_score
bin_values = np.linspace(start=start, stop=end, num=bins+1)
rel_labels = np.sort(np.unique([dataset.y for dataset in datasets]))
data = np.full(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(rel_labels), bins),
fill_value=np.nan, dtype=np.float32)
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
for idx_label, graded_rel in enumerate(rel_labels):
indices = np.where(dataset.y == graded_rel)
# If this graded relevance is not present in this dataset, skip it
if not len(indices):
y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=False)
y_pred_curr = y_pred[indices]
# evaluate the histogram
values, base = np.histogram(y_pred_curr, bins=bin_values)
# evaluate the cumulative
cumulative = np.cumsum(values, dtype=float) / len(y_pred_curr)
data[idx_dataset][idx_model][idx_label] = cumulative
performance = xr.DataArray(data,
name='Document Graded Relevance',
coords=[datasets, models, rel_labels,
bin_values[:-1] + 1.0 / bins],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'label', 'bin'])
return performance
[docs]def rank_confusion_matrix(datasets, models, skip_same_label=False):
RankEval allows for a novel rank-oriented confusion matrix by reporting for
any given relevance label l_i, the number of document with a predicted
score smaller than documents with label l_j. When l_i > l_j this
corresponds to the number of mis-ranked document pairs. This can be
considered as a breakdown over the relevance labels of the ranking
effectiveness of the model.
datasets : list of Dataset
The datasets to use for analyzing the behaviour of the model using
the given models
models : list of RTEnsemble
The models to analyze
skip_same_label : bool
True if the method has to skip the pair with the same labels,
False otherwise
ranked_matrix: xarray.DataArray
A DataArray reporting for any given relevance label l_i, the number of
documents with a predicted score smaller than documents with label l_j
rel_labels = np.sort(np.unique([dataset.y for dataset in datasets])).astype(np.int32)
data = np.zeros(shape=(len(datasets), len(models), len(rel_labels),
len(rel_labels)), dtype=np.int32)
for idx_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
for idx_model, model in enumerate(models):
y_pred = model.score(dataset, detailed=False)
for query_id, (start_offset, end_offset) in enumerate(dataset.query_offset_iterator()):
for i in np.arange(start_offset, end_offset):
for j in np.arange(i, end_offset):
# check if the two documents have the same label and skip them
if skip_same_label and dataset.y[i] == dataset.y[j]:
y_i = dataset.y[i].astype(np.int32)
y_j = dataset.y[j].astype(np.int32)
if y_pred[i] < y_pred[j]:
data[idx_dataset][idx_model][y_i, y_j] += 1
data[idx_dataset][idx_model][y_j, y_i] += 1
performance = xr.DataArray(data,
name='Rank Confusion Matrix',
coords=[datasets, models, rel_labels, rel_labels],
dims=['dataset', 'model', 'label_i', 'label_j'])
return performance